The Business-to-Business sales channel for Resellers

Buy & sell your bags without paying sales commissions!
About us

What is Resellers Connector?

B2B Icon

We are a business-to-business (B2B) sales channel for Hermès resellers

We offer you more sales and more contacts!

How do we get it?

1 Centralized Stock:
  • All the stock of all our resellers in one place.
  • +8000 Birkins and Kellys available for you.
2 Connecting Sellers and Buyers:
  • Direct connections between buyer and seller on each deal.
  • We don’t add profit margins or take sales commissions.


We give you more purchasing capacity!
We give you more sales capacity!

Could you do it without us?

Yes, but you would invest a lot of time, effort and money.
We have a team of 50 people!

Why so many people?

  1. To increase the stock and contacts that we offer you daily
  2. To centralize ALL STOCK and update it DAILY so that when you need something you can find it in a few clicks!

The Service. The Connection.

When there is interest on the part of the buyer, he is connected with the seller, a WhatsApp chat is opened with them so that the transaction can be made.

There, the final price, the payment method, the shipping method, and who takes care of each thing and what the final process is are decided between them.

You also have the option, especially for first operations, to designate Resellers Connector as an intermediary to receive the product and the money and once received and verify that everything is okay, send what was agreed to each party and close the operation. This has a small additional cost.

Our tools

  1. A private WhatsApp chat with us for requests, to send your stock and to help you.
  2. A WhatsApp community to stay informed of arrivals.
  3. A search engine on the web to find what you need.
× Take Look Image

Security and Protection

Active Security

1 Verified Sellers:
  • We rigorously verify all sellers to ensure the safety and integrity of our community.
2 Ongoing Monitoring:
  • We actively monitor reseller behavior. Resellers who fail to act professionally will be removed from the platform. We will inform all our resellers and contacts about their conduct to prevent further business interactions with them trying to block their business if they don’t fix their mistakes.

Security and Protection

Reactive Security

  • We can act like an escrow service.
  • We can provide you with a specialized contract for resellers to have a better legal protection.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. Resellers Connector opens a group chat for each operation and remains in the chat in case it is necessary to mediate in case of conflict so that the transaction is successful for both parties.
  2. Remember that it is an agreement between buyer and seller and the rules are agreed upon when the transaction is being made. And the status of the bag etc. is negotiated in that chat.
  3. The normal thing is that, since we are all professionals, the bag and the agreed money are returned.
  4. In the event that a reseller fails to comply with what was previously established, they will be expelled from the community and all resellers within the platform will be informed to ban them so that no one else makes transactions with them.
  5. The risk of loss of business is significant enough for them to reconsider their actions.

Is it safe to operate on the platform?

To be able to enter the community, resellers have to be verified.

However, we have 4 options to verify a reseller.

Ask us if you are interested.

Because we are transparent.

And you get more working with us than working without us.

You will not find a marketplace that sells your bags and give you access to your clients.

You will not find a marketplace where you are not going to pay anything for sales.

So, you sell like you're doing it by yourself, without extra costs and knowing your clients.

You are getting more sales.
You are getting more contacts: clients or suppliers.
You are getting extra security for buying if anytime you need it.
You are going to expand your connections and stock.

If you are a seller, you get it FOR FREE!

If you are buyer, you get it for a ridiculous subscription fee.

Welcome to our community!



We work with:

1 Resellers (Buyers in Hermès):
  • We welcome all Hermès reseller buyers, including those just starting the business.
  • We understand your need to sell quickly to maintain cash flow for your next purchase.
  • Working within our B2B channel will allow you to sell much faster at a price you'll appreciate while gaining new professional clients
  • You won't need to sell at lower prices in the retail market, damaging the market.
2 Resellers (selling to Final Clients):
  • We seek resellers with established businesses and good references who sell to final clients.
  • We don’t seek new, inexperienced resellers.
  • We'll connect you with reseller buyers to expand your network.

We don’t work with:

! Final Clients are not allowed:
  • We don’t allow end customers on our platform to protect the market and reseller business.
1 What is Resellers Connector?
B2B Icon

We are a business-to-business (B2B) sales channel for
Hermès resellers

We offer you more sales and more contacts!

But... How do we get it?

1 Centralized Stock:
  • All the stock of all our resellers in one place.
  • +8000 Birkins and Kellys available for you.
Connecting Sellers and Buyers:
  • Direct connections between buyer and seller on each deal.
  • We don’t add profit margins or take sales commissions.

50% OR 100% WITH US!

We give you more purchasing capacity!
We give you more sales capacity!

Could you do it without us?

Yes, but you would invest a lot of time, effort and money.
We have a team of 50 people!

Why so many people?

  1. To increase the stock and contacts that we offer you daily.
  2. To centralize ALL STOCK and update it DAILY so that when you need something you can find it in a few clicks!

The Service.
The Connection.

When there is interest on the part of the buyer, he is connected with the seller, a WhatsApp chat is opened with them so that the transaction can be made.

The Service.
The Connection.

There, the final price, the payment method, the shipping method, and who takes care of each thing and what the final process is are decided between them.

The Service.
The Connection.

You also have the option to designate RC as an intermediary to receive the product and money and then verify that everything is okay and send what was agreed to each party. This has a small additional cost.

Our tools

  1. A private WhatsApp chat with us for requests, to send your stock and to help you.
  2. A WhatsApp community to stay informed of arrivals.

Our tools

  1. A search engine on the web to find what you need.
× Take Look Image

Security and Protection

Active Security:

1 Verified Sellers:
  • We rigorously verify all sellers to ensure the safety and integrity of our community.

Security and Protection:

Active Security:

2 Ongoing Monitoring:
  • We actively monitor reseller behavior. Those who fail to act professionally will be removed from the platform. We will inform about their conduct to prevent further business interactions.

Security and Protection

Rective Security:

  • We can act like an escrow service.

Security and Protection

Rective Security:

  • We can provide you with a specialized contract for resellers to have a better legal protection.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. Resellers Connector opens a group chat for each operation and remains in the chat to mediate in case of conflict so that the transaction is successful for both parties.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. It is an agreement between buyer and seller and the rules are agreed upon when the transaction is being made. And the status of the bag etc. is negotiated in that chat.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. The normal thing is that, since we are all professionals, the bag and the agreed money are returned.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. Those resellers who fail to act professionally will be removed from the platform. We will inform about their conduct to prevent further business interactions.

What happens if a reseller sends a bag in other conditions?

  1. The risk of loss of business is significant enough for them to reconsider their actions.

Is it safe to operate on the platform?

To be able to enter the community, resellers have to be verified. We have 4 options to verify a reseller.
Ask us if you are interested!

Because we are transparent.
And you get more working with us than working without us.

You will not find a marketplace that sells your bags and give you access to your clients.

You will not find a marketplace where you are not going to pay anything for sales.

So, you sell like you're doing it by yourself, without extra costs and knowing your clients.


  • You are getting more sales.
  • You are getting more contacts: clients or suppliers.
  • You are getting extra security for buying if anytime you need it.
  • You are going to expand your connections and stock.

If you are a seller, you get it FOR FREE!

If you are buyer, you get it for a ridiculous subscription fee.

Welcome to our community!

This tool is perfect for:


We work with:

1 Resellers (Buyers in Hermès):
  • We welcome all Hermès reseller buyers, including those just starting the business.

We work with:

1 Resellers (Buyers in Hermès):
  • We understand your need to sell quickly to maintain cash flow for your next purchase.

We work with:

1 Resellers (Buyers in Hermès):
  • Working within our B2B channel will allow you to sell much faster at a price you'll appreciate while gaining new professional clients.

We work with:

1 Resellers (Buyers in Hermès):
  • You won't need to sell at lower prices in the retail market, damaging the market.

We work with:

2 Resellers (selling to Final Clients):
  • We seek resellers with established businesses and good references who sell to final clients, not new inexperienced resellers.

We work with:

2 Resellers (selling to Final Clients):
  • We will connect you with reseller buyers to expand your network.

We work with:

! Final Clients are not allowed:
  • We don’t allow end customers on our platform to protect the market and reseller business.
How to work with us? - Free test and decide!



Request Access - Test it for free!

Discover our posts, prices, countries, currencies and the quantity of bags that we publish every day.

Review it for 3 or 4 days and decide if this channel is good for you.

Do you like it?
Do you want to join us?
Do you want to sell with us?
Do you want to buy through us?



Sell with us! (we will need to verify you as a seller)

To sell is free! - Not sales commissions! - Not sales fees!

Send us your stock by WhatsApp!

We will publish it in the community so everyone can see it.

We will upload it to our database so that it is in the bag search engine.

As soon as a reseller wants to buy, we will contact you to reconfirm availability and for you to authorize us to connect (We will open a WhatsApp chat with you and the client).

We will leave the sales operation in your hands: Provide more photos, data, request a payment method and agree on all the details, such as shipping, insurance, invoice...



Buy through us!

We give you access to the website so you can find what you need, with more than 8,500 bags available (updated October 2024).

To buy, we will connect you with the seller and you can negotiate your transaction with them.

Here we are going to ask you to be a subscriber member.

BUT you don't pay per bag, all the operations you want to do are included. A flat rate for all your operations.


Request Access - Test it for free!

Discover our posts, prices, countries, currencies and the quantity of bags we add every day. Review it for 3 or 4 days and decide if this channel is good for you.


Request Access - Test it for free!

Do you like it?
Do you want to join us?
Do you want to sell with us?
Do you want to buy through us?


Sell with us! (we will need to verify you as a seller).

To sell is free!
Not sales commissions!
Not sales fees!

Send us your stock by WhatsApp!


Sell with us! (we will need to verify you as a seller).

We will add it in the community so everyone can see it.
We will upload it to our database so it is in the bag search engine.


Sell with us! (we will need to verify you as a seller).

As soon as a reseller wants to buy, we will contact you to reconfirm availability and to authorize us to connect (we will open a WhatsApp chat with you and the client).


Sell with us! (we will need to verify you as a seller).

We will leave the sales operation in your hands: provide more photos, data, request a payment method and agree on all the details, such as shipping, insurance, invoice...


Buy through us!

We give you access to the website so you can find what you need, with more than 8,500 bags available (updated October 2024).


Buy through us!

To buy, we will connect you with the seller and you can negotiate your transaction with them.
Here we are going to ask you to be a subscriber member.


Buy through us!

BUT you don't pay per bag, all the operations you want to do are included. A flat rate for all your operations.


What is Resellers Connector?

Subscription Fees 2024:

  • €100 per month with unlimited purchase operations.
  • It is an annual membership of €1,200 divided into a 12-month payment.


Think about this:


By only purchasing 1 or 2 bags during the year (which thanks to our search engine you will find at the best price), all other transactions will be free.


Think about this:


You have a tool like our search engine and a team that is always recruiting new verified resellers. This way you will be able to reach more bags and you will be able to sell more and therefore obtain more profits.


Think about this:


Our tool allows you to have precise information on the availability and prices of the bags. This allows you to make better decisions, which translates into fewer losses and greater profits.

Consider this:


Greater number of resellers at Hermès = less number of end customers at Hermès = more customers for resellers.

Consider this:


We can’t stop or reduce the growth of resellers, but we can create an environment so that they operate first among resellers and don’t harm the market for end customers.

Consider this:


If new resellers don’t join a community like ours, they don’t have adequate information to correctly value a bag or a good sales channel to operate fluently and this often, combined with the need for cash flow, causes them to sell at low prices.

Consider this:


If the community is connected and we are the first to operate among ourselves, the new reseller can sell faster and at the right price and veteran resellers always have the first purchase option to be able to serve their end customers.

Consider this:


In this way, a stable operating flow is created, both in terms of product and prices, which helps the market in general, including the end customer since your usual reseller has more stock than ever and can get you what you need.

Consider this:


Having more stock than ever and getting everything ordered, prevents the end customer from looking for the product at another unknown reseller and running the risk of being scammed.

What do you choose?

A jungle where new resellers work without knowledge, damaging the market, selling cheaper, reducing the stock that reaches other resellers, offering bags directly through other marketplaces, stealing customers and leaving more room for scams?...
Or better: more resellers, more end customers and more control of stock and prices?

Join us!

1 What are the costs of the services?

Subscription Fees 2024:

  • €100 per month with unlimited purchase operations.
  • It is an annual membership of €1,200 divided into a 12-month payment.

Absolutely! Think about this:

  1. By only purchasing 1 or 2 bags during the year (which thanks to our search engine you will find at the best price), all other transactions will be free.

Absolutely! Think about this:

  1. You have a tool like our search engine and a team that is always recruiting new verified resellers. This way you will be able to reach more bags and you will be able to sell more and therefore obtain more profits.

Absolutely! Think about this:

  1. Our tool allows you to have precise information on the availability and prices of the bags. This allows you to make better decisions, which translates into fewer losses and greater profits.

Consider this:

  1. Greater number of resellers at Hermès = less number of end customers at Hermès = more customers for resellers.

Consider this:

  1. We can’t stop or reduce the growth of resellers, but we can create an environment so that they operate first among resellers and don’t harm the market for end customers.

Consider this:

  1. If new resellers don’t join a community like ours, they don’t have adequate information to correctly value a bag or a good sales channel to operate fluently and this often, combined with the need for cash flow, causes them to sell at low prices.

Consider this:

  1. If the community is connected and we are the first to operate among ourselves, the new reseller can sell faster and at the right price and veteran resellers always have the first purchase option to be able to serve their end customers.

Consider this:

  1. In this way, a stable operating flow is created, both in terms of product and prices, which helps the market in general, including the end customer since your usual reseller has more stock than ever and can get you what you need.

Consider this:

  1. Having more stock than ever and getting everything ordered, prevents the end customer from looking for the product at another unknown reseller and running the risk of being scammed.

What do you choose?

A jungle where new resellers work without knowledge, damaging the market, selling cheaper, reducing the stock that reaches other resellers, offering bags directly through other marketplaces, stealing customers and leaving more room for scams?...

What do you choose?

Or better: more resellers, more end customers and more control of stock and prices?

Join us!


Contact us and become a member!

Free Membership

  • List of bags with prices, locations, stamps, Hermès colors, Hermès leathers, etc.
  • Sell bags without paying commissions.
Try it for free

Full Membership

1200 € / year
  • Access a comprehensive list of bags, including prices, locations, stamps, Hermès colours, Hermès leathers, and more.
  • Sell bags without paying commissions.
  • Buy bags without paying commissions.
  • Join our WhatsApp community to receive updates on all new arrivals.
  • Access our website to filter and find all bags from all resellers in our community
  • Connect directly with sellers and buyers to complete transactions without intermediaries.
  • Receive contact details every time you do business with a new professional.
Try it for free

Full Membership

100 € / month
  • All annual membership benefits included.


  • This is a mandatory one-year subscription, split int 12 monthly payments.
  • Subject to approval of a credit check.
  • In case of non-payment:
    • The service will be interrupted.
    • The user must switch to the annual subscription to continue receiving the service.
Try it for free

Full Membership

100 € / month
  • Handbag’s list with prices, locations, Hermès colors and leather, stamps, etc..
  • Sell bags without paying commissions.
  • Scammers: ask for references to avoid them and report yours.
  • Buy bags without paying commissions
  • We connect Sellers and Buyers to complete transactions without intermediaries
  • Get contacts every time you do business with a new professional.
  • You get 2 months of free membership when you pay for a full year
Try it for free
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
  • Do the maths! For what you would pay the intermediaries for a single bag, you could pay for a whole year's membership! This means that any purchases or sales you make during that year will be completely free!
  • In addition, the membership is paid in 12 monthly installments!!!!
  • Create a Free Account and sell your bags for free!
  • Request the payment register when you want to buy a bag. This way, instead of paying intermediaries, you pay for membership.
  • And enjoy a year of operations at 0 cost!

Become a Member

Join our reseller community on whatsapp

Information for Sellers